ZWO camera focuser
Here's my spin on the text: I'm building a custom focuser for ZWO sky-cams that will take it to the next level one day. This is an initial experimental project that's getting off the ground. I've already printed two STL part-files, and they're looking promising. The first part fits snugly onto the ZWO camera lens itself, although it could use a bit of refinement for a tighter grip. It's held in place by friction alone. The second part is designed to cradle the ZWO camera body and stepper motor together. I'm using a stepper motor from eBay (, which gets hot under heavy use, so I'll need to tweak the driver settings accordingly. Currently, I'm running with a compatible driver from eBay ( and some open-source Arduino software that's widely available online. If you've got any suggestions for improvement, now's the time - just remember to keep an eye on those temperatures! For practical use, it's likely best to set up the driver from Python on a Raspberry Pi to make things more user-friendly.
With this file you will be able to print ZWO camera focuser with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on ZWO camera focuser.