Weather station wind direction sensor
This is the wind direction sensor, a vital component of my 3D printed weather station project. It relies on 8 magnetic sensors positioned in 16 precise spots to detect even the slightest changes in air currents. A sturdy 5x3 mm round magnet serves as the heart of this system, while a PCF8574 port expander ensures seamless communication with the main unit. For a comprehensive understanding of how it works, I recommend checking out these informative videos: and If you're interested in building your own sensor holder, I've made the design available on Thingiverse - simply visit to download it.
With this file you will be able to print Weather station wind direction sensor with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Weather station wind direction sensor.