Tronxy XY-2 PRO Plotter

Tronxy XY-2 PRO Plotter


This is a plotter/pen holder for the non Titan version of the Tronxy XY-2 Pro. This is a remix of I didn't like the use of screws to change the tool mount. Although I've only designed a holder for a fine point Sharpie so far, it's meant to be a modular design that will allow the user to easily change to other type of mounts for different sized pens. I haven't needed any others yet, but if you do you should be able to design your own. It clips to the hot end fan and can easily removed when not needed. I use Fusion 360 to design drawings and use the manufacture section to create a tool path that can be sent to the printer. This video explains the process pretty well. I am using it to draw PCBs. The area covered by the marker will not be removed when the board is etched. The marker will be removed with rubbing alcohol before soldering on the electronic components. To make the PCB I first created all the tool paths needed for the board outline, circuit paths, and other components. I created a separate tool path for each operation and since I only have the hobby version of Fusion I had to merge all the Gcode for each operation into one file. Watch the video and download and install the Fusion 360 post processor he provides. Because the printer does not use understand all the Merlin commands make the changes I did that are shown in the photo above. This forces the post processor to not use arc commands when drawing. To begin, mount the pen and holder to the fan. Do not auto home the printer. Move the bed to X0 Y0 by hand and lower the Z axis until the pen draws consistently on the paper when you move the Y axis back and forth. Now move the bed back to X0 Y0 by hand and begin the print. In my example, the plot started by plotting the outline of the board on paper so I knew where the printer expected the board to be. I added a pause after this was done in the Gcode so I could tape the board in place. I also added code to raise the Z axis the thickness of the PCB. ; Pause to put board on paper G1 Z50 Y100 ; Move the hot end up 50mm and print bed forward G91 ; Set to relative positioning G1 Z1.5; Raise z to board height G90 ; Set to absolute positioning M6031 ; Pause print I think I should be able to do this in Fusion 360 once I learn a bit more about changing the tool path height, but this worked so far. Continue the print and it resumed drawing the board. Have fun with your printer. There are so many things it can do other than melt PLA. If you found this item useful, please click on Tip Designer and donate what you think it is worth to my Help cover design time and materials. Thanks, Enjoy!

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With this file you will be able to print Tronxy XY-2 PRO Plotter with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Tronxy XY-2 PRO Plotter.