Sword Dance Bag

Sword Dance Bag


I started practicing Chinese sword dance when I was 5. This bag used to be an object I carry around almost everyday and it brings back so many memories. However, I severely hurt myself when I was 13 years old and didn't think twice about quitting sword dancing since all the stretching and training were so exhausting. It was only after a year or two that I realized sword dancing was my favourite art, and also the one that I am most skilled at compared to visual arts and music. Expressing myself with my entire body, being on stage... I was angry that in a moment of cowardice I have let all of that go. For a while I was terrified about quitting almost anything. This object is important to me not only because it is so familiar that after this many years I still remember every pattern and decoration on the bag cover my mum made, but also because it is a symbol of one of the biggest life lessons I have learnt so far. It taught me that even pursuing what I love is a pain at times and it reminds me why I shouldn't give anything up so easily.

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