Supports pour vitres de lit chauffant - Supports for heated bed

Supports pour vitres de lit chauffant - Supports for heated bed


Support pour vitres de lit chauffant Lorsque l'on utilise des surfaces comme Ultrabase, il est nécessaire d'attendre que la température du lit chauffant descende au-dessous de 40° pour que les éléments s'enlèvent tout seuls ou du moins très facilement. Il est donc pratique de disposer de plusieurs plaques afin de mettre une plaque froide pour l'impression suivante et si la pièce imprimée le permet, mettre à refroidir la plaque qui vient d'être utilisée en attendant d'enlever l'impression. Support for heated bed glasses. When using surfaces such as Ultrabase, it is necessary to wait for the temperature of the heating bed to drop below 40°C so that the elements can be removed on their own or at least very easily. It is therefore convenient to have several plates in order to have a cold plate for the next printing and if the printed piece allows it, to cool the plate that has just been used while waiting to remove it.

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With this file you will be able to print Supports pour vitres de lit chauffant - Supports for heated bed with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Supports pour vitres de lit chauffant - Supports for heated bed.