Skull 3D model

Skull 3D model


Here is an old skull. Discovered without the bottom jaw but luckily most of the teeth are still present. Years of weather has rounded most of the corners but somehow remains pretty well preserved. Fourteen bones form the facial skeleton. There is the mandible (jaw bone) the vomer (gives shape to your nose) and then a series of paired bones (as in there is a left and a right): the nasals, maxillae, lacrimals, zygomatics, palatines, and the inferior nasal conchae. The face is also formed by the nasal cartilages (a group of connective tissue structures that give shape to the framework of your nose) and by the teeth (the upper arch of teeth are attached to the maxillae and the lower arch of teeth are attached to the mandible).The ethmoid bone, located at the roof of the nose and between the eyes, has tiny foramina. Nerve cells in the nose detect odors, carry those signals through the foramina in the ethmoid, and to the olfactory bulbs. From there, the signals move along the olfactory tracts to the brain. The palatine bones help give shape to the back of the roof of the mouth, the floor of the nasal cavity, and the floor of the orbits.

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