Safeway Monopoly Gamepiece Organizer

Safeway Monopoly Gamepiece Organizer


There are 126 game pieces in the Safeway Monopoly game... sticking them onto the very crowded, two-sided poster is time consuming and messy (and makes it hard to tell which ones you've already collected). This is a nice tidy place to store them all! There are 26 rows and 5 columns. The way I organize mine is using the first 5 rows to store the A through F pieces and then using the remaining rows for G through Z (which only need 4 slots each). The spaces occupying the bottom right column can be used for the ? and $ pieces (which you have an astronomically unlikely chance of ever completing, but hey, it's worth a try). The dimensions are about 60mm x 85mm (or 66x91 with the print skirt which I decided not to cut away per the image above) If you found this even remotely useful, please make sure you share a picture (it makes my day each time someone prints something I designed) and be sure to peruse my other submissions which are almost as varied as they are many: Enjoy! April 11, 2016 update: I added an 18mm tall version as the 9mm version seems to be a bit messy if you knock it over. April 19, 2016 update: Here are the pieces I don't have so far: Prefix Suffix A: CE

Download Model from thingiverse

With this file you will be able to print Safeway Monopoly Gamepiece Organizer with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Safeway Monopoly Gamepiece Organizer.