Rogue Trooper Biochips Coaster

Rogue Trooper Biochips Coaster


And next we come to Rogue Trooper, one of my favourite 2000AD characters. Rogue was a GI, a Genetic Infantryman, designed to fight on the harsh chemical terrain of Nu Earth. Rogue went AWOL following the massacre at the Quartz Zone of Nu Earth where, because of a traitor general in his army's upper brass, the entire Genetic Infantry unit were slaughtered. Rogue swore to hunt down the traitor and not to return until he succeeded.  He carried with him the personalities of three of his comrades; Gunnar, Helm and Bagman, all stored after their death on biochips and mounted in Rogue's gun, helmet and backpack.   This coaster is a tribute to Rogue and his comrades.  It does take a while to print, mainly due to the complexity of the speaker grilles, but hopefully you'll think it's worth it!

Download Model from myminifactory

With this file you will be able to print Rogue Trooper Biochips Coaster with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Rogue Trooper Biochips Coaster.