Ring Size Gages

Ring Size Gages


Just did a quick fix of DrBlackAdder's Ring size thing to fix a problem with the K size band not being on the same Z datum as the rest, thickened them up to model an 8mm wide ring, and I moved some rings around to allow this to fit in my 190mmX190mm build area. Sizes shown are UK ring sizes. Look online for conversion charts, etc. I also uploaded individual ring sizes for easy downloading. Original: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:25684 Instructions I printed with 0.3mm nozzle and PLA: No infill 3 perimeters min 3 base layers 5 top layers Concentric top/bottom solid fill. Good luck!

Download Model from thingiverse

With this file you will be able to print Ring Size Gages with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Ring Size Gages.