RGB LED Tower for Desk

RGB LED Tower for Desk


This is a semi-remix of a design from Russ Sutter at the link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4711605 LED's Used: - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32476317187.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6b3c3c22Orj1Nl&algo_pvid=222af60b-ec7d-450e-90a4-614c851cfaa1&algo_exp_id=222af60b-ec7d-450e-90a4-614c851cfaa1-1 LED Info: - I always buy RGBNW because I like a cooler white color. The ones I used are 144LED/m but you could use 60 if you want. Diffuser: - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000077271746.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6b3c3c22Orj1Nl&algo_pvid=222af60b-ec7d-450e-90a4-614c851cfaa1&algo_exp_id=222af60b-ec7d-450e-90a4-614c851cfaa1-3 - Diffuser Type: T2014 LED Controller: - Pixel Pro 4 - https://drzzs.com/shop/pixel-pro/ Microphone: - https://www.amazon.com/GY-MAX4466-Electret-Microphone-Amplifier-Adjustable/dp/B08T9C4VF6/ref=sr_1_20?dchild=1&keywords=microphone+board+for+diy&qid=1628395885&sr=8-20 My remix idea stemmed from wanting RGBW LEDs, a built-in microphone to use the sound reactive version of WLED, and wanting more than the 100led/m that I was finding online.

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