Reconfigurable name tag by KMS

Reconfigurable name tag by KMS


<p>You can equip this name tag as you wish. The dovetail prevents the letters from falling out. Ideal for visitors or workshop participants.&nbsp;</p><p>Yours <strong>K</strong>ERLE <strong>M</strong>AKER<strong>S</strong>PACE</p><p><i>PS: Feel free to support my work by liking or leaving a comment.</i></p><h4>Updates and Upgrades</h4><figure class="table" style="float:left;"><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Change / Update</strong></td><td><strong>Release</strong></td><td><strong>Version</strong></td><td><strong>Change</strong></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table></figure><p>&nbsp;</p><h4>&nbsp;</h4><h4>&nbsp;</h4><h4>Assembly</h4><p>You can add characters to the slider as you wish by sliding the available characters from the side onto the slider. Note that the dovetail and the letter are delicate and can break when trying to push them in from above.</p><p><img class="image-style-align-right image_resized" style="width:50%;" src="">Take the safety pin(length between 15-25mm) and feed it through the needle hole of the cover (no.2). The safety pin should not protrude on the inside when you have aligned the needle.</p><p>Finally, press the LetterSlide into the BackCover. Pay attention to the tolerances of your printer, since it is a press fit and you should be able to reconfigure the tag, gluing is not an option ;) .</p><p>The holes on the back (no.1) are for easy disassembly, so you can push the slider out.</p>

Download Model from prusaprinters

With this file you will be able to print Reconfigurable name tag by KMS with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Reconfigurable name tag by KMS.