PCIE Bracket with Screw-in HDMI slot for Sensor Panel

PCIE Bracket with Screw-in HDMI slot for Sensor Panel


Needed a place for my HDMI to my sensor panel to go through without creating a giant hole on the back of my PC. Remembered a PiKVM mount I never got to print and then thought I'll just remix it with the dimensions to the HDMI cable I had which was this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2255800948882146.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.74.2cf31802HHzXaV Ended up adding a couple things. Added a section where it's thicker, and some grills. Also, Yeah, I know my PC is filthy. I haven't opened it in months.

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