
miNimiNi - homemade 3D printer
<p>October 12, 2020 / 12.10. 2020</p> <p>CZ: upraven drzak osy Z a motoru Z - V3, novy Fusion 360 a STEP soubor<br/> EN: modified Z-axis and Z motor holder - variant V3, new Fusion 360 and Step file</p> <hr/> <p>October 7, 2020 / 7. rijen 2020</p> <p>CZ: Pridal jsem drzak pro endstop (aktualne pouzivam na Y, na Z mam pindu) na hlazene tyci.<br/> tento design: <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:503645">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:503645</a></p> <p>Ahoj! Tiskarna je aktualne nedokončená, sice tiskne, ale nejedna se o finalni vyrobek. Soubory, pokyny a další věci se mohou změnit!</p> <p>EN: I added an endstop holder (currently using Y, I have a pinda V2 on Z) on a smooth rod.<br/> this design: <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:503645">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:503645</a></p> <p>Hey! This thing is still a Work in Progress. Files, instructions, and other stuff might change!</p> <p>Novy F360 soubor a STEP soubor (V6)</p> <p><a href="https://youtu.be/vZ0OwfZ3gSw">https://youtu.be/vZ0OwfZ3gSw</a><br/> <figure class="media"> <oembed url="https://youtu.be/gimYTHxXewQ"></oembed> </figure> </p> <hr/> <p>Display mount:<br/> Ender 3 and 3030<br/> <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4607860">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4607860</a></p> <p>TFT24:<br/> <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4605482">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4605482</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a></p> <p>PSU holder:<br/> <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4604666">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4604666</a></p> <hr/> <p>CZ:<br/> Moje prvni doma vyrobena tiskarna.</p> <p>Tiskarnu jsem vicemene puvodne planoval sestavit z dilu, ktere se doma zustaly valet po upgrade me tiskarny Ender 3.</p> <p>Elektroniku jsem pouzil prave z Ender 3,<br/> zakladni deska 1.1.4<br/> puvodni displej z Ender 3 jsem nakonec nahradil za TFT24 ktery tady taky lezel a nemel jsem pro nej aktualne pouziti<br/> Zdroj S180-12, 12V, 15A</p> <p>Aktualne vyhrivana podlozka 100x100 mm (mam sice jinou znacku, ale je to to stejne)<br/> <a href="https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32729734950.html">https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32729734950.html</a><br/> vlozena do plastoveho ramu z ABS 120x120 mm, prekryta 2mm sklem se zrcadlovou PET folii.</p> <p>Hotend je cinsky klon E3D V6 s tryskou 0.4</p> <p>Extruder MK3s je vytisten z dilu stazenych zde:<br/> <a href="https://www.prusa3d.cz/tisknutelna-vylepseni-tiskarny/">https://www.prusa3d.cz/tisknutelna-vylepseni-tiskarny/</a><br/> a sestaven podle <a href="https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/guide/5-sestaveni-osy-e-extruder_28537">https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/guide/5-sestaveni-osy-e-extruder\_28537</a></p> <p>Profily 3030 zakoupeny na ehlinik.cz v rozmerem 4x 280 mm a 3x 230 mm</p> <p>Spousta M4 sroubu a matek, kladivkove matky do profilu jsem si tiskl a vlozil do nich M4 matky</p> <p>4x step motor Nema 17 ruzneho puvodu,<br/> 2x trapezova tyc a trapezova matice T8x2 (je mozno pouzit cokoliv co prijde pod ruku) v delce 256 mm<br/> 6x hlazena tyc 8mm<br/> 1x 15 cm zavitova tyc pro drzak filamentu</p> <p>BTT TFT24 1.1 (nebo jakykoliv jiny displej)<br/> Pro tento displej jsem pouzil tento mount: <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a> drzak pro 3030 je pak v archivu TFT ve dvou provedenich zde. nebo v remixech u <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a></p> <p>Pouzity tiskovy material</p> <ul> <li>cerveny ABS neznameho puvodu :) (240/90)</li> <li>bila/natural ASA Aurapol prebeh (260/90)</li> <li>cerna/oranzova (PETG Nebula)</li> <li><p>PLA (zlata - ST PLA Creality a seda Gembird PLA+) - pouzito na loziska<br/> vse vytisteno na tiskarne Ender 3<br/> Prilozen step soubor a Fusion 360 soubor.</p> <p>Vsechny STL soubory jsou v archivu (rar), pripadne se daji exportovat z Fusionu. Spousta dilu je predelanych dle potreby a rozhodne nemusi byt finalni.</p> <p>Berte prosim do uvahy, ze jsem pred sestavenim tiskarny nemel vsechny potrebne znalosti a vse jsem se ucil za pochodu, stejne tak je mi jasne ze muze existovat elegantnejsi reseni necoho co jsem udelal takto.</p> <p>Pripadne dotazy smerujte do comments</p> <p>Jak rika Majkl... Happy 3d printing :)</p> <p>EN:<br/> My first home made printer.</p> <p>More or less, I originally planned to assemble the printer from the parts that remained at home after the upgrade of my Ender 3 printer.</p> <p>I used the electronics from Ender 3,<br/> motherboard 1.1.4<br/> I finally replaced the original display from Ender 3 with TFT24, which also lay here and I had no current use for it.<br/> Power supply S180-12, 12V, 15A</p> <p>Currently heated bed 100x100 mm (I have a different brand, but it's the same)<br/> <a href="https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32729734950.html">https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32729734950.html</a><br/> inserted into a plastic frame made of ABS 120x120 mm, covered with 2 mm glass with mirror PET foil.</p> <p>Hotend is a Chinese clone of E3D V6 with a 0.4 nozzle</p> <p>Extruder MK3s is built according to MK3s:<br/> <a href="https://www.prusa3d.cz/tisknutelna-vylepseni-tiskarny/">https://www.prusa3d.cz/tisknutelna-vylepseni-tiskarny/</a><br/> and <a href="https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/guide/5-sestaveni-osy-e-extruder_28537">https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/guide/5-sestaveni-osy-e-extruder\_28537</a></p> <p>Profiles 3030 purchased on ehlinik.cz in dimensions 4x 280 mm and 3x 230 mm</p> <p>I use a lot of M4 screws and nuts, printed hammer nuts into the profile and inserted M4 nuts into them</p> <p>4x stepper motor Nema 17 different types/brands,<br/> 2x trapez rod and trapez nut T8x2 (it is possible to use anything that comes under hand) in the length of 256 mm<br/> 6x smooth rod 8mm<br/> 1x 15 cm threaded rod for filament holder</p> <p>BTT TFT24 1.1 (or any other display)<br/> For this display I used this mount: <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a> the holder for 3030 is then in the TFT archive in two versions here. or in remixes at <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a></p> <p>Used printing material</p> <p>red ABS of unknown origin :) (240/90)<br/> white / natural ASA Aurapol (color transition during production) (260/90)<br/> black / orange (PETG Nebula)<br/> PLA (gold - ST PLA Creality and gray Gembird PLA +) - used on bearings<br/> all printed on Ender 3 printers<br/> Step file and Fusion 360 file included.</p> <p>All STL files are in the archive (rar), or they can be exported from Fusion. Lots of parts are reworked as needed and definitely don't have to be final.</p> <p>Please keep in mind that I did not have all the necessary knowledge before setting up the printer and I learned everything on the go, as well as it is clear to me that there may be a more elegant solution to something I did like this.</p> <p>If you have any questions, please direct them to the comments</p> <p>As Michael says ... Happy 3d printing :)</p> </li> </ul> <h3>Print instructions</h3><p>October 12, 2020 / 12.10. 2020</p> <p>CZ: upraven drzak osy Z a motoru Z - V3<br/> EN: modified Z-axis and Z motor holder - variant V3</p> <hr/> <p>October 7, 2020 / 7. rijen 2020</p> <p>CZ: Pridal jsem drzak pro endstop (aktualne pouzivam na Y, na Z mam pindu) na hlazene tyci.<br/> tento design: <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:503645">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:503645</a></p> <p>Ahoj! Tiskarna je aktualne nedokončená, sice tiskne, ale nejedna se o finalni vyrobek. Soubory, pokyny a další věci se mohou změnit!</p> <p>EN: I added an endstop holder (currently using Y, I have a pinda V2 on Z) on a smooth rod.<br/> this design: <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:503645">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:503645</a></p> <p>Hey! This thing is still a Work in Progress. Files, instructions, and other stuff might change!</p> <p>Novy F360 soubor a STEP soubor (V6)</p> <p><a href="https://youtu.be/vZ0OwfZ3gSw">https://youtu.be/vZ0OwfZ3gSw</a><br/> <figure class="media"> <oembed url="https://youtu.be/gimYTHxXewQ"></oembed> </figure> </p> <hr/> <p>Display mount:<br/> Ender 3 and 3030<br/> <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4607860">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4607860</a></p> <p>TFT24:<br/> <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4605482">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4605482</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a></p> <p>PSU holder:<br/> <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4604666">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4604666</a></p> <hr/> <p>CZ:<br/> Moje prvni doma vyrobena tiskarna.</p> <p>Tiskarnu jsem vicemene puvodne planoval sestavit z dilu, ktere se doma zustaly valet po upgrade me tiskarny Ender 3.</p> <p>Elektroniku jsem pouzil prave z Ender 3,<br/> zakladni deska 1.1.4<br/> puvodni displej z Ender 3 jsem nakonec nahradil za TFT24 ktery tady taky lezel a nemel jsem pro nej aktualne pouziti<br/> Zdroj S180-12, 12V, 15A</p> <p>Aktualne vyhrivana podlozka 100x100 mm (mam sice jinou znacku, ale je to to stejne)<br/> <a href="https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32729734950.html">https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32729734950.html</a><br/> vlozena do plastoveho ramu z ABS 120x120 mm, prekryta 2mm sklem se zrcadlovou PET folii.</p> <p>Hotend je cinsky klon E3D V6 s tryskou 0.4</p> <p>Extruder MK3s je vytisten z dilu stazenych zde:<br/> <a href="https://www.prusa3d.cz/tisknutelna-vylepseni-tiskarny/">https://www.prusa3d.cz/tisknutelna-vylepseni-tiskarny/</a><br/> a sestaven podle <a href="https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/guide/5-sestaveni-osy-e-extruder_28537">https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/guide/5-sestaveni-osy-e-extruder\_28537</a></p> <p>Profily 3030 zakoupeny na ehlinik.cz v rozmerem 4x 280 mm a 3x 230 mm</p> <p>Spousta M4 sroubu a matek, kladivkove matky do profilu jsem si tiskl a vlozil do nich M4 matky</p> <p>4x step motor Nema 17 ruzneho puvodu,<br/> 2x trapezova tyc a trapezova matice T8x2 (je mozno pouzit cokoliv co prijde pod ruku) v delce 256 mm<br/> 6x hlazena tyc 8mm<br/> 1x 15 cm zavitova tyc pro drzak filamentu</p> <p>BTT TFT24 1.1 (nebo jakykoliv jiny displej)<br/> Pro tento displej jsem pouzil tento mount: <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a> drzak pro 3030 je pak v archivu TFT ve dvou provedenich zde. nebo v remixech u <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a></p> <p>Pouzity tiskovy material</p> <ul> <li>cerveny ABS neznameho puvodu :) (240/90)</li> <li>bila/natural ASA Aurapol prebeh (260/90)</li> <li>cerna/oranzova (PETG Nebula)</li> <li><p>PLA (zlata - ST PLA Creality a seda Gembird PLA+) - pouzito na loziska<br/> vse vytisteno na tiskarne Ender 3<br/> Prilozen step soubor a Fusion 360 soubor.</p> <p>Vsechny STL soubory jsou v archivu (rar), pripadne se daji exportovat z Fusionu. Spousta dilu je predelanych dle potreby a rozhodne nemusi byt finalni.</p> <p>Berte prosim do uvahy, ze jsem pred sestavenim tiskarny nemel vsechny potrebne znalosti a vse jsem se ucil za pochodu, stejne tak je mi jasne ze muze existovat elegantnejsi reseni necoho co jsem udelal takto.</p> <p>Pripadne dotazy smerujte do comments</p> <p>Jak rika Majkl... Happy 3d printing :)</p> <p>EN:<br/> My first home made printer.</p> <p>More or less, I originally planned to assemble the printer from the parts that remained at home after the upgrade of my Ender 3 printer.</p> <p>I used the electronics from Ender 3,<br/> motherboard 1.1.4<br/> I finally replaced the original display from Ender 3 with TFT24, which also lay here and I had no current use for it.<br/> Power supply S180-12, 12V, 15A</p> <p>Currently heated bed 100x100 mm (I have a different brand, but it's the same)<br/> <a href="https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32729734950.html">https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32729734950.html</a><br/> inserted into a plastic frame made of ABS 120x120 mm, covered with 2 mm glass with mirror PET foil.</p> <p>Hotend is a Chinese clone of E3D V6 with a 0.4 nozzle</p> <p>Extruder MK3s is built according to MK3s:<br/> <a href="https://www.prusa3d.cz/tisknutelna-vylepseni-tiskarny/">https://www.prusa3d.cz/tisknutelna-vylepseni-tiskarny/</a><br/> and <a href="https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/guide/5-sestaveni-osy-e-extruder_28537">https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/guide/5-sestaveni-osy-e-extruder\_28537</a></p> <p>Profiles 3030 purchased on ehlinik.cz in dimensions 4x 280 mm and 3x 230 mm</p> <p>I use a lot of M4 screws and nuts, printed hammer nuts into the profile and inserted M4 nuts into them</p> <p>4x stepper motor Nema 17 different types/brands,<br/> 2x trapez rod and trapez nut T8x2 (it is possible to use anything that comes under hand) in the length of 256 mm<br/> 6x smooth rod 8mm<br/> 1x 15 cm threaded rod for filament holder</p> <p>BTT TFT24 1.1 (or any other display)<br/> For this display I used this mount: <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a> the holder for 3030 is then in the TFT archive in two versions here. or in remixes at <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367">https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4231367</a></p> <p>Used printing material</p> <p>red ABS of unknown origin :) (240/90)<br/> white / natural ASA Aurapol (color transition during production) (260/90)<br/> black / orange (PETG Nebula)<br/> PLA (gold - ST PLA Creality and gray Gembird PLA +) - used on bearings<br/> all printed on Ender 3 printers<br/> Step file and Fusion 360 file included.</p> <p>All STL files are in the archive (rar), or they can be exported from Fusion. Lots of parts are reworked as needed and definitely don't have to be final.</p> <p>Please keep in mind that I did not have all the necessary knowledge before setting up the printer and I learned everything on the go, as well as it is clear to me that there may be a more elegant solution to something I did like this.</p> <p>If you have any questions, please direct them to the comments</p> <p>As Michael says ... Happy 3d printing :)</p> </li> </ul>
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