Mandelbrot - dual extrusion

Mandelbrot - dual extrusion


Mandelbrot - Dual Extrusion This is a simplified Mandelbrot, condensed into three bands to achieve the desired effect. To eliminate some tiny features that couldn't be printed, I made a few adjustments. The picture shows a print using a 0.35 mm nozzle. Here's how it was printed: - I used flipped .stl files to get a very shiny finish on the good side. - For the black part, I used mandelbrot_color_240x240_r5_bw_flipped_200304_dark.stl. - For the white part, I used mandelbrot_color_240x240_r5_bw_flipped_200304_white.stl. To print it right side up: - I used mandelbrot_color_240x240_r5_bw_200301f_dark.stl for the black part. - I used mandelbrot_color_240x240_r5_bw_200301f_white.stl for the white part. I've also provided a Sketchup file for those who'd like to remix it: - mandelbrot_color_240x240_r5_bw_flipped_200304.skp Enjoy!

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With this file you will be able to print Mandelbrot - dual extrusion with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Mandelbrot - dual extrusion.