altoids tin bit case
If you don't have a 3D printer, I sell this design along with the tin at: This is an insert for an Altoids tin, for storing the screwdriver bits. It will not fit standard bits! An Altoids tin is too short for standard 1/4" bits. It can fit the entire set of bits, 6 sets of 12 bits, 72 in total. No special filament is needed, an Altoids tin is barely sized right for this task, so TPU or any other fancy filament doesn't matter. PLA is fine. Note, standard ¼" screwdriver bits are too tall for an Altoids tin, they will not work. This is only for the special 20mm bits. If you are looking for a good set of standard bits, I recommend Wera or Wiha. Also, you will need to store the magnetic bit upside down so it doesn't come out when you open the lid, which usually results in bringing along another bit with it. You may have to wiggle a bit around in its hole a little bit on the edges and in the corners, due to the very slight shrink when the part cools, it makes those bit spots every so slightly hard to remove bits from. What I do is, take a bit and put it in the corner spot, then tip the bit around in a circle to loosen it up a bit. The center spots don't need this since they don't have the cooling issue.
With this file you will be able to print altoids tin bit case with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on altoids tin bit case .