Female Gnome Druid Miniature

Female Gnome Druid Miniature


A Female Gnome Druid I created for a Pathfinder campaign. I didn't find a miniature of my liking so I created this one based on what I imagined her to look like. I went a little overboard with the mesh resolution on some parts, hence the large file sizes - sorry for that. I did not plan to make a printable version first. It was build for rendering only. I added an image of an intermediate version of that to the slideshow above (the last one). I later changed it and adapted it to get a printable, manifold mesh. The body was created with _makehuman_ and I added the cloth and hair in _blender_ and joined it together to one mesh. You find the image I based the design on with Google if you search for "Hylia's armor". I uploaded the blender file for the curious. It was created with blender2.8 beta. Again the filesize is rediculous due to unnecessarily high resolution of parts of the mesh - especially on the base. Looks cool though. The meshes are manifold according to blender. Cura had no problems slicing the mesh in arbitrary scales. Slic3r Prusa edition in the version of the date of this upload seems to mess up the shoulders - I was not able to fix that - you might need to scale it a little to trick Slic3r. The images above were taken from a printed version with 3x the original size and painted to match the look of the rendered version. The model was printed in two parts (separated at the hips right underneath the hair) to save support material. I also printed the small version in original size, which worked well in one piece with the print settings shown in the print settings section. The second to last image is this small version. You can see that the fingers are missing - they are just too small. I therefore added a version with simpler hands.

Download Model from thingiverse

With this file you will be able to print Female Gnome Druid Miniature with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Female Gnome Druid Miniature.