![E3D ToolChanger Laser Tool](https://cdn.thingiverse.com/assets/3b/d3/5b/ee/43/large_display_laser_mount_render.png)
E3D ToolChanger Laser Tool
11 Sep 2019 Update: I forgot to mention that this design uses threaded inserts (4 M3x6 and 2 M4X6) as well as the bottom half and top half mating together using 4X8 cylindrical magnets. This is a tool head for the E3D tool changer, designed to accept a Jtech Photonics Diode Laser, specifically the 2.8W version. The design is not final yet, so modifications are still possible. To use this on your tool changer, you need to follow these steps: 1- Disable one of the heaters; I chose to use heater 5. 2- Create a new tool definition in the config.g file. [code] M305 S"T4" P5 M307 H5 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; Disable Heater 5 output on H5 [/code] 3- Create tpre4.g, tpost4.g and tfree4.g files and add the following code: tpre4.g [code] M452 P5 R255 F200 S1 ; Enable Laser mode, on output 9 (heater 5), with max intensity being 255, and a PWM frequency of 200, and S1 for Sticky Mode G1 X150 Y-49 Z38 ; Go To manual Loading Location ;Unlock Coupler M98 P/macros/Coupler - Unlock ;Prompt Tool Insertion M291 P"Hold the Laser Tool to the Tool changer Coupler" R"Place Laser Tool" S2 ;Close Coupler M98 P/macros/Coupler - Lock [/code] tpost4.g [code] G1 Z33 ; if your focus length is different set that here [/code] tfree4.g [code] ; tfree4.g ; called when tool 4 is freed ;Drop the bed G91 G1 Z10 F1000 G90 ;Move In G53 G1 X150 Y-43 F50000 ;Prompt Tool removal M291 P"Hold the Laser Tool when ready click ok Coupler will release" R"Release Laser Tool" S2 ;Open Coupler M98 P/macros/Coupler - Unlock M291 P"Confirm Tool is clear" R"Release Laser Tool" S2 M98 P/macros/Park M451 ; switch back to FFF printer mode [/code] When generating G-code for this tool, make sure the first G1 command after M3 has the S parameter to set laser power.
With this file you will be able to print E3D ToolChanger Laser Tool with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on E3D ToolChanger Laser Tool.