Compact Czech Airlift Pump

Compact Czech Airlift Pump


This is a minimalistic airlift pump after the original "czech airlift pump" principle, meaning it injects the air inside the tube. You only need to attach an air hose. And a plastic tube, I use 22mm "Hobby" plastic tubes. You can use the FreeCAD files to change the diameter or extend the adapter to print the tube yourself. The injection holes are very small. If the pump is underperforming, it might be because the holes are clogged due to overextrusion. Underextrusion may lead to leaks, obviously. But in general, the design is relatively leak proof. Recommended parameters are .4 mm nozzle, .2mm to .28mm layer height. I only tested PLA, and I'm tending towards higher temperatures (200-210°C). Have fun!

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With this file you will be able to print Compact Czech Airlift Pump with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Compact Czech Airlift Pump.