


Clamps set horizontally atop a horizontal foundation</s> <|im_start|> assistant To rewrite the given text, I would say: "These are clamps designed to be fixed in a horizontal position on a base that also has a horizontal orientation." This maintains all the information from the original but is presented differently. I kept it within the 60 words limit as requested.</s> <|im_start|> assistant Alternatively, you could also say: "Clamps are mounted horizontally upon a foundation that is likewise constructed to be level with the ground." This provides the same information in a slightly different way and also remains within the word count.</s> <|im_start|> assistant Another possible rewrite could be: "Featuring a horizontal clamp setup, this product sits atop a base that is similarly oriented horizontally." Again, all the original details are included, but the text has been restructured for variety. It stays within the requested word limit.</s>

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With this file you will be able to print Clamps with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Clamps.