Button Box System for SimLab Vertical mount
<p>1/12/2021 Added a Replay Binnacle V4 that is 2mm taller to accommodate 2 additional buttons and added 5mm holes for magnets for them. Added Stop Replay and Slow Motion Labels in my button box label project.</p> <p>1/12/2021 Updated the SideLeftButtonPanel to a V4 to keep the threaded insert hole from showing through.</p> <p>1/7/2021 Updated Replay Binnacle with 8mm hole for fan 12V plug. Updated Wiring Enclosure Cover with larger 12V hole.</p> <p>1/4/2021 Added many pictures to help with assembly. Added ribbon extension cables. Added parts for optional fan at bottom.</p> <p>Note: The pictures showing the wiring enclosure section has multiple cuts with a hot knife to make it fit and to give the replay binnacle additional space for wiring. The files have been updated with those changes. The Wiring enclosure pictures show overhang above the vertical profile. That overhang has been removed from the files so that a person who has their wheel set lower than mine would not have a problem.</p> <p>Another person is having one printed up right now and I should learn what instructions and images need to be added to help make this an easier process.</p> <p>1/3/2021 I just reorganized this into Fusion 360, STL pairs and removed the gcode and PrusaSlicer files that only confused things. I backfilled a couple missing files.</p> <p>Note: This currently requires that the front of your Vertical mount be 50mm in front of the vertical profile supports for clearance at the top and bottom. There is a picture with a red arrow showing where this would be an issue.</p> <p>I've included a Bill of Materials spreadsheet for what I have in my box. It is about 95% complete. Please think this project through before starting. I've been focusing on this for weeks and do not have comprehensive instructions.</p> <p>Update planned: I'm planning to drill a hole in the Replay binnacle after my 12V connector hardware arrives on 1/5/2021. I'll update the associated files after I make sure I have it positioned properly.</p> <p>Magnetic Labels are still in process.</p> <p>Have included the Fusion 360 files so people can modify sections to their own liking.</p> <p>Warning!! The wiring in this is dense and it will take patience especially for the wiring enclosure. The wiring will take time and securing the 7 M3 bolts at the back of the wiring enclosure with full wiring in place will be a bit challenging.</p> <p>In some cases there are definite assembly order issues, so you may find that you need to remove something to get something else screwed down.</p> <p>It may make sense to either use a glue gun or some other way to secure the magnets to the backs of the panels.</p> <p>I also made sure to use a master label to ensure all of the polarities matched. The magnets are all pointing the exact same way so the labels can be put anywhere.</p> <p>I've found that I sometimes need to drill holes that are printed vertically.<br/> I also have found a hot knife can be helpful if you have a clearance issue. I have tried to update the files to take any issues I found into account.</p> <p>I'm using a small chisel to clear supports where panels meet together. I have small reliefs in the corners of the panels so a chisel can completely clear a corner.</p> <p>This is a project for a maker who has tools on hand and can work with things.</p> <p>I found I needed a small ball head allen wrench for the M3 bolts.</p> <p>This is a none trivial project. There are large print volumes. I've found using a brim and an enclosure helps reduce chances of warping on the larger prints.</p> <p>The key features are the following:</p> <ol> <li>Clamps directly to the SimLab Vertical Mount plate.</li> <li>Has modular wiring so that each panel or part can be wired up independently and then plugged in using a ribbon cable.</li> <li>Magnetic Labels for easy reassignment using 5x2mm magnets.</li> <li><p>Tactile ridges and edges to easily find controls while in VR<br/> Peripheral:</p> </li> <li><p>HMD hangar using M5 socket head bolts</p> </li> <li><p>Phone holder for Samsung Galaxy 8 with cover using M5 socket head bolts.<br/> Also uses :<strong>Button Box Ribbon cable 8P / 16P / 20P 2.54 head connector mount</strong></p> <p>Parts published as I "complete" them.<br/> Unless you sees a picture of a printed part, it hasn't been printed yet.</p> <p>Naming:<br/> Related sections start with the same prefix:</p> <p>This section attaches to the front of the SimLab Vertical Mount.</p> </li> </ol> <ul> <li><p>FrontFrameButtonPanel</p> <ul> <li>Print face down on textured build plate</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>FrontFramewithButtons</p> <ul> <li>Print face down on textrued build plate</li> </ul> <p>This section houses the Bodnar 64 input button board and 12V input and has the Replay Binacle above it. It attaches to the back of the SimLab Vertical Mount and bolts to the Front section.</p> </li> <li><p>WiringEnclosure</p> </li> </ul> <pre><code>+ Print back down on smooth build plate. - There is a lip on the front - This will require using supports. </code></pre> <ul> <li>WiringEnclosureReplaySection</li> </ul> <pre><code>+ Print the back down ( side opposite the buttons ) </code></pre> <ul> <li><p>WiringEnclosureRearCover</p> <ul> <li>Print face down on textured build plate.</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>12VPowerMount<br/> This section is the entire left side of the button box.</p> </li> <li><p>SideFrame</p> <ul> <li>print face down on textured build plate</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>SideLeftButtonPanel</p> <ul> <li>bottom down on smooth build plate</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>SideTopRotaryPanel</p> </li> </ul> <pre><code>+ print face down on textured build plate </code></pre> <ul> <li>SideFrontButtonPanel</li> </ul> <pre><code>+ print face down on textured build plate </code></pre> <ul> <li>SideRearCover</li> </ul> <pre><code>+ print face down on textured build plate Additional parts. </code></pre> <p>M3 bolts various sizes<br/> M3 square nuts<br/> M3 threaded inserts</p> <p>M5 threaded inserts<br/> M5 bolts</p> <p>8, 16, 20 pin ribbon cables<br/> 8, 16, 29 pin 2.54mm Socket Header Connector ISP Male Double-spaced Straight needle Curved needle connectors.</p> <p>12mm opening Switches, toggles, buttons<br/> 22mm Joysticks<br/> 30mm backlit buttons<br/> 19mm backlit buttons</p> <p>PWM Fan controller board - to control cooling fan.</p> <p>12V plug M and F</p> <p>F-F Jumpers<br/> F-M Jumpers</p> <p>Some soldering required.</p> <p>Designed around a Bodnar BBI-64 button board and has M3 threaded insert holes to match.</p> <p>I'd love to hear from people and see what they derive from this and I'll try to answer questions.</p> <p>Good luck!</p> <h3>Print instructions</h3><h3>Category: Toys & Games Summary</h3> <p>1/12/2021 Added a Replay Binnacle V4 that is 2mm taller to accommodate 2 additional buttons and added 5mm holes for magnets for them. Added Stop Replay and Slow Motion Labels in my button box label project.</p> <p>1/12/2021 Updated the SideLeftButtonPanel to a V4 to keep the threaded insert hole from showing through.</p> <p>1/7/2021 Updated Replay Binnacle with 8mm hole for fan 12V plug. Updated Wiring Enclosure Cover with larger 12V hole.</p> <p>1/4/2021 Added many pictures to help with assembly. Added ribbon extension cables. Added parts for optional fan at bottom.</p> <p>Note: The pictures showing the wiring enclosure section has multiple cuts with a hot knife to make it fit and to give the replay binnacle additional space for wiring. The files have been updated with those changes. The Wiring enclosure pictures show overhang above the vertical profile. That overhang has been removed from the files so that a person who has their wheel set lower than mine would not have a problem.</p> <p>Another person is having one printed up right now and I should learn what instructions and images need to be added to help make this an easier process.</p> <p>1/3/2021 I just reorganized this into Fusion 360, STL pairs and removed the gcode and PrusaSlicer files that only confused things. I backfilled a couple missing files.</p> <p>Note: This currently requires that the front of your Vertical mount be 50mm in front of the vertical profile supports for clearance at the top and bottom. There is a picture with a red arrow showing where this would be an issue.</p> <p>I've included a Bill of Materials spreadsheet for what I have in my box. It is about 95% complete. Please think this project through before starting. I've been focusing on this for weeks and do not have comprehensive instructions.</p> <p>Update planned: I'm planning to drill a hole in the Replay binnacle after my 12V connector hardware arrives on 1/5/2021. I'll update the associated files after I make sure I have it positioned properly.</p> <p>Magnetic Labels are still in process.</p> <p>Have included the Fusion 360 files so people can modify sections to their own liking.</p> <p>Warning!! The wiring in this is dense and it will take patience especially for the wiring enclosure. The wiring will take time and securing the 7 M3 bolts at the back of the wiring enclosure with full wiring in place will be a bit challenging.</p> <p>In some cases there are definite assembly order issues, so you may find that you need to remove something to get something else screwed down.</p> <p>It may make sense to either use a glue gun or some other way to secure the magnets to the backs of the panels.</p> <p>I also made sure to use a master label to ensure all of the polarities matched. The magnets are all pointing the exact same way so the labels can be put anywhere.</p> <p>I've found that I sometimes need to drill holes that are printed vertically.<br/> I also have found a hot knife can be helpful if you have a clearance issue. I have tried to update the files to take any issues I found into account.</p> <p>I'm using a small chisel to clear supports where panels meet together. I have small reliefs in the corners of the panels so a chisel can completely clear a corner.</p> <p>This is a project for a maker who has tools on hand and can work with things.</p> <p>I found I needed a small ball head allen wrench for the M3 bolts.</p> <p>This is a none trivial project. There are large print volumes. I've found using a brim and an enclosure helps reduce chances of warping on the larger prints.</p> <p>The key features are the following:</p> <ol> <li>Clamps directly to the SimLab Vertical Mount plate.</li> <li>Has modular wiring so that each panel or part can be wired up independently and then plugged in using a ribbon cable.</li> <li>Magnetic Labels for easy reassignment using 5x2mm magnets.</li> <li><p>Tactile ridges and edges to easily find controls while in VR<br/> Peripheral:</p> </li> <li><p>HMD hangar using M5 socket head bolts</p> </li> <li><p>Phone holder for Samsung Galaxy 8 with cover using M5 socket head bolts.<br/> Also uses :<strong>Button Box Ribbon cable 8P / 16P / 20P 2.54 head connector mount</strong></p> <p>Parts published as I "complete" them.<br/> Unless you sees a picture of a printed part, it hasn't been printed yet.</p> <p>Naming:<br/> Related sections start with the same prefix:</p> <p>This section attaches to the front of the SimLab Vertical Mount.</p> </li> </ol> <ul> <li><p>FrontFrameButtonPanel</p> <ul> <li>Print face down on textured build plate</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>FrontFramewithButtons</p> <ul> <li>Print face down on textrued build plate</li> </ul> <p>This section houses the Bodnar 64 input button board and 12V input and has the Replay Binacle above it. It attaches to the back of the SimLab Vertical Mount and bolts to the Front section.</p> </li> <li><p>WiringEnclosure</p> </li> </ul> <pre><code>+ Print back down on smooth build plate. - There is a lip on the front - This will require using supports. </code></pre> <ul> <li>WiringEnclosureReplaySection</li> </ul> <pre><code>+ Print the back down ( side opposite the buttons ) </code></pre> <ul> <li><p>WiringEnclosureRearCover</p> <ul> <li>Print face down on textured build plate.</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>12VPowerMount<br/> This section is the entire left side of the button box.</p> </li> <li><p>SideFrame</p> <ul> <li>print face down on textured build plate</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>SideLeftButtonPanel</p> <ul> <li>bottom down on smooth build plate</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>SideTopRotaryPanel</p> </li> </ul> <pre><code>+ print face down on textured build plate </code></pre> <ul> <li>SideFrontButtonPanel</li> </ul> <pre><code>+ print face down on textured build plate </code></pre> <ul> <li>SideRearCover</li> </ul> <pre><code>+ print face down on textured build plate Additional parts. </code></pre> <p>M3 bolts various sizes<br/> M3 square nuts<br/> M3 threaded inserts</p> <p>M5 threaded inserts<br/> M5 bolts</p> <p>8, 16, 20 pin ribbon cables<br/> 8, 16, 29 pin 2.54mm Socket Header Connector ISP Male Double-spaced Straight needle Curved needle connectors.</p> <p>12mm opening Switches, toggles, buttons<br/> 22mm Joysticks<br/> 30mm backlit buttons<br/> 19mm backlit buttons</p> <p>PWM Fan controller board - to control cooling fan.</p> <p>12V plug M and F</p> <p>F-F Jumpers<br/> F-M Jumpers</p> <p>Some soldering required.</p> <p>Designed around a Bodnar BBI-64 button board and has M3 threaded insert holes to match.</p> <p>I'd love to hear from people and see what they derive from this and I'll try to answer questions.</p> <p>Good luck!</p> <h3> Print Settings</h3> <p><strong>Printer Brand:</strong></p> <p>Prusa</p> <p><strong>Printer:</strong></p> <p>i3 MK3</p> <p><strong>Supports:</strong></p> <p>Yes</p> <p><strong>Resolution:</strong></p> <p>varies mostly 0.15</p> <p><strong>Infill:</strong></p> <p>15%</p> <p><strong>Filament:</strong> Prusament PLA varies<br/> <strong>Notes:</strong></p> <p>Planing to use<br/> Prusament Galaxy Black for the button box enclosures and magnetic labels.<br/> Prusament Ruby Red for Phone Holder and HMD holder</p> <p>Prusament white for ribbon connectors and label lettering<br/> Prusament Emerald Green for ABS rotary wheel<br/> Prusament Ruby Red for Brake Bias rotary wheel<br/> Prusament Pearl Blue for TSC rotary wheel</p>
With this file you will be able to print Button Box System for SimLab Vertical mount with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Button Box System for SimLab Vertical mount.