bolts, nuts, threaded rods - OpenSCAD library Threading.scad
I needed some threaded rods but couldn't find a suitable library here. Since OpenSCAD isn't equipped to handle small-slope threading well, I decided to write my own code using the sweep() functionality from an earlier Naca_sweep.scad library of mine. How I Designed This Solutions based on sweep are usually fast, even with F6 enabled. To get a properly closed manifold like this, which is tricky to achieve with sweep(), I used a union trick that glues two 180° extrusions together. This library has many possibilities, some showcased in the example collection Threads.stl. I aimed to keep the code footprint small by only adding help() and an example selector for convenience. Examining the example calls will provide inspiration for your application. Features help() example selector specify pitch, windings (integer), diameter, and angle of attack as needed multiple helices rods and nuts use the same calling syntax To explore examples, write: include showexample = 2; // =0: no example shown, =1 ... =10: shows example# help(); // display prototypes in library with parameter explanation Using the library in your own code: use threading(pitch = 2, d=20, windings = 30, angle = 20, full = true); // M8 hex bolt CCW mirror([1,0,0]) union(){ threading(pitch = 1.25, d=8, windings=20, full=true); cylinder(d=14.6, h=4, $fn=6); } Have fun and respect the library's licensing: no commercial use allowed.
With this file you will be able to print bolts, nuts, threaded rods - OpenSCAD library Threading.scad with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on bolts, nuts, threaded rods - OpenSCAD library Threading.scad.