Beerculator DIY keg weighing scale
I was looking for a cheap and easy way to monitor how much beer there is left in my cornelius keg and use Home Assistant to create automations that will tell when the level is getting low. 4x50kg load cells with HX711 amplifier connected to a microcontroller seemed like the way to go. Links in description how to build and configure one. To wrap it in a fancy suite, I designed the Beerculator housing. It has a diameter of 230mm which should work with most corny kegs up to 19L. V2 is redesigned a bit and has not been tested at the moment. The difference between the 5mm and 8mm is the gap inside. The 5mm is enough for the HX711, but if you'd like to add your microcontroller and maybe a temperature sensor then go for the 8mm. There's a couple of ways to build a scale. Check these links to find out which you prefer. Good luck!
With this file you will be able to print Beerculator DIY keg weighing scale with your 3D printer. Click on the button and save the file on your computer to work, edit or customize your design. You can also find more 3D designs for printers on Beerculator DIY keg weighing scale.