Anatomically Correct (mostly) Human Skull

Anatomically Correct (mostly) Human Skull


UPDATE 10/4/17 Thanks to PteroDancer we now have a detailed description of which anatomical features are missing from this model: "Incomplete Foremen rotundum, hypoglossal canal, pterygoid canal, optic canal, the inferior orbital fissure is enlarged, missing vomer/perpendicular plate of ethmoid, infraorbital canal is non existent in the orbit, no stylomastoid foramen, no petrotympanic fissure, no hiatus/groove for the greater petrosal nerve, foramen spinosum is nonexistent (this is a larger oversight then most of the others), crista galli should be more pronounced or the anterior cranial fossa should be more concave, somethings not right there, no carotid canal (also major), greater and lesser palatine foramen need to be pronounced more, no zygomaticofacial foramen, no nasal bones."------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 2/10/16 Alright y'all, SORRY ok... It only took me like 14 MONTHS longer than I thought it would to upload an unsupported version. Still digging around for the top of the skull. Anyway. . .------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 4/23/15 I realized that the "cranium" file that I uploaded on 4/20/15 was not the solid, final version; instead it was the shelled version which will not print correctly. I have uploaded the correct supported solid version, titled "Cranium_supported.stl". Enjoy!------------------------------------------------- This is a fully supported, anatomically correct human skull, sliced on the transverse plane to reveal the intricate details of the cranial floor. The model included is half the size of an adult human skull. When printed at 1/2 scale on an Ultimaker2 at normal resolution, small details such as foramens and canals are easily visible (see photographs). The true beauty of this model comes from the fact that it was assembled bone by bone, and that small ridges are visible at each interface. This makes it an excellent learning tool for medical students. Below, find a full list of included bones: -Frontal bone -Left parietal bone -Left temporal bone -Occipital bone -Right parietal bone -Right temporal bone -Ethmoid -Sphenoid -Right zygomatic bone -Left zygomatic bone -Left palatine bone -Right palatine bone -Left maxilla -Right maxilla -Atlas A skull model with this level of accuracy will cost a medical student upwards of $300. Now, it is available for the cost of material at your friendly neighborhood 3D printer. Enjoy! The files for this model were sourced from BodyParts3D, © The Database Center for Life Science licensed under CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan. The files were imported into Meshmixer, combined, sliced, made solid, and supports were added. Then, the final parts were exported to STL, and printed from Cura. Instructions Print slower for better quality! Don't scale down too small, or the supports will be too flimsy.

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