portrait bust of livia 3d models

3003421 3d models found related to portrait bust of livia.
Portrait of Livia
Portrait of Livia

Portrait of Livia Roman, late Republic, mid-late 30 BC "This portrait of Livia was created not long after her marriage to Emperor Augustus. As the first empress of Rome, Livia wanted her public image to embody all the virtues that the Romans valued...

Portrait of Livia
Portrait of Livia

In this portrait it is possible to recognise Livia (58 BC- 29AD), wife of Augustus, by means of the details of the face, such as the convex forehead, the large eyes (the praegrandes oculi recorded by Suetonius) and the typical hairstyle.

Portrait of Livia
Portrait of Livia

This portrait of Livia was created not long after her marriage to Emperor Augustus. As the first empress of Rome, Livia wanted her public image to embody all the virtues that the Romans valued in a woman, including "pudicita" (modesty) and "pietas"...

Portrait of Livia
Portrait of Livia

This portrait depicts Livia, wife of Augustus, with a veiled head and shown in the guise of a young bride. This type of elevated depiction of rulers and people of power was commonplace in this era. The collected hairstyle, with a tuft folded like a...

Bust of Livia
Bust of Livia

... Mattei and removed from the Villa Mattei. ...Livia was the wife of Emperor Augustus and the mother of Tiberius by an earlier marriage. ...In this respect, this theme perfectly embraces the Neoclassical style by taking its subject out of Roman history. 

Portrait head of the empress Livia (58 BC- AD 29)
Portrait head of the empress Livia (58 BC- AD 29)

Found at Thespies, Boeotia. ...The head, which wears a laurel wreath with a medallion at the centre, depicts Livia, wife of Emperor Augustus and mother of  Emperor Tiberius

Portrait bust of Polydeukion
Portrait bust of Polydeukion

This bust was found in Kiphisia, Attica. ... Polydeukion was Heros' pupil and favourite. The bust was found together with the bust of his teacher.

Portrait bust of a Barbarian
Portrait bust of a Barbarian

On the round foot, the shape of which recalls that of the Vilonius bust (Poulsen, 1951 - no.586 a), is the inscription:ΕΥΒΟΥΛΟC ΚΑΙΛΙΚΙΝΝΙΟC ΙΑ-ΝΑΙΑΖHΜΙΟC ΤΟΝ ΠΑΤΕΡΑ(Eubulos and Likinnios (=Licinius) consecreted the bust to their father Jason, son...

Portrait bust of a woman
Portrait bust of a woman

This is a bust-portrait sculpture  of an unknown woman wearing a stola and palla wrapped around her shoulders. A separate marble piece in the form of a bun was originally attached at the back of the head. ...The arrangement of the hair is like that worn...

Portrait bust of a man
Portrait bust of a man

... and their family members, military heroes, local dignitaries, ordinary citizens, and young children. The Met's distinguished collection of Greek and Roman portraits in stone and bronze is published in its entirety for the first time in this volume.

Portrait bust of Aurelia Euposia
Portrait bust of Aurelia Euposia

This bust was found on Melos.

Portrait bust of Richard Wallace
Portrait bust of Richard Wallace

Richard Wallace (1818-1890) here captured in terracotta by Charles-Auguste Lebourg (1829-1906) was an English art collector and founder of The Wallace Collection, where this bust is stored.

Portrait bust of emperor Hadrian
Portrait bust of emperor Hadrian

This bust was found in the area of Olympieion, Athens. The emperor is rendered with idealistic features. Under Hadrien Roman portraiture went a step further towards idealization. ...This idealization was visible through the adoption of the Greek habit...

Portrait bust of a man
Portrait bust of a man

This marble bust portrays an unknown Roman man in a draped cloak.

Portrait Bust of Catherine, Princess of Wurtenburg
Portrait Bust of Catherine, Princess of Wurtenburg

Catherine was the eldest of three children born to William I of Württemberg by his third wife and cousin Pauline Therese of Württemberg. Her two siblings were Charles I of Württemberg and Augusta, Princess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. ...She also had two...

Marble portrait bust of a man
Marble portrait bust of a man

Marble portrait bust of a young man from Roman times. ...It could have been part of a tomb or a bust made by a rich young man to use as decoration. 

Portrait bust of the philosopher Polemon
Portrait bust of the philosopher Polemon

This portrait bust of the philosopher Polemon was found in the Olympieion, Athens. Possibly a portrait of the philosopher Antonius Polemon from Laodikeia in Syria (AD 88-145), who was invited by the emperor Hadrian to speak at the inauguration...

Portrait bust of the philosopher Metrodoros
Portrait bust of the philosopher Metrodoros

It is the portrait of the philosopher Metrodoros of Lampsakos who lived in Asia Minor in the 4th century B.C. He was a pupil and friend of the philosopher Epicurus. ... This bust is a copy dating from the period of Hadrian, of a Hellenistic original...

Portrait bust of a Roman matron
Portrait bust of a Roman matron

This bust of a private individual has often been taken to represent one of the emperor Augustus’s descendants, notably his granddaughter Agrippina the Elder, whose hairstyle is closely imitated here. It provides a good illustration of the way in...

Marble portrait bust of a young man
Marble portrait bust of a young man

... of Classical Greece. The mid-second century A.D. was a period in which the Greeks attempted to bring new life to their ancient cultural traditions. The fusion of contemporary and heroic in this portrait bust has created an unforgettable masterpiece.

Portrait bust of the Emperor Gallienus
Portrait bust of the Emperor Gallienus

The sculpture can be dated to the period of the Emperor Gallienus, from the style of the portrait and the peculiar style of the beard on the neck. ...The statue can be compared with images of the Emperor Gallienus (256-268 AD) on Roman coins, which...

Marble portrait bust of a boy
Marble portrait bust of a boy

The reduced scale of this bust and the carefully combed hair, with bangs parted in the center, are features that suggest a date toward the middle of the first century A.D.

Roman portrait bust of a man
Roman portrait bust of a man

... However, the hair is not typical of representations of Trajan, who usually had long locks combed forward across the crown. Here, the rows of short, curving locks, the forward row, low on the forehead, are similar to Nerva, Trajan's predecessor.

Head of Livia
Head of Livia

This head is generally agreed to be that of Livia (58 BC - 29 AD), wife of Octavian, who married her in 38 BC. ...She sports a typical hairstyle, with the frontal nodus and the braid which goes down to bind the coil at the back, adopted for the first...

Statue of Livia
Statue of Livia

Livia Drusilla, also known as Julia Augusta after her formal adoption into the Julian family in AD 14, was the wife of the Roman emperor Augustus throughout his reign, as well as his adviser. She was the mother of the emperor Tiberius, paternal...

Portrait bust of an old man
Portrait bust of an old man

The large eyes with the intense gaze bring us to the threshold of Byzantine art. The toga was chiseled away in later years, apparently to eliminate the man's Roman identity and recast him as a Saint or Apostle. This is corroborated by the fact that...

Marble Portrait Bust of a Young Man
Marble Portrait Bust of a Young Man

Antonine Period, Roman art from AD 161-180 is displayed at The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Gallery 162, where the piece L.2008.8.12 resides. This artwork was scanned using a 123DCatch app on an iPhone 5S on January 26th, 2014. ...A replica has been...

a character portrait bust of 'imadesyou-ko'
a character portrait bust of 'imadesyou-ko'

With the help of a personal 3D printer, you can easily create this model without requiring any support structure. To learn more about it, visit http://monoist.atmarkit.co.jp/mn/subtop/features/3d_contest01/. OR The IT media's character...

Statue of Livia
Statue of Livia

Probably one of a series of portraits of members of the first imperial family set up in a sanctuary at Narona, Dalmatia (modern Croatia) about AD 14-21. ...The head was originally made in two pieces; the back piece does not survive.

Portrait Bust of a Flavian Woman, The "Fonseca Bust"
Portrait Bust of a Flavian Woman, The "Fonseca Bust"

Portrait bust of a young flavian woman aka the "Fonseca Bust", possibly Vibia Matidia (85-165 AD). Plaster cast of an original marble work titled The Fonseca Bust (MC0434) at The Capitoline Museum, Rome.     If you produce new work with the model...