pebbles from flintstone 3d models
1120084 3d models found related to pebbles from flintstone.prusaprinters
Pebbles, from the Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera. The Flintstones cartoon takes place in a romanticized Stone Age setting, depicting the lives of the Flintstone family and their best friends and neighbors the Rubbles. No supports are...
Pebbles, the lovable daughter of Fred and Wilma Flintstone from the classic Hanna-Barbera cartoon show. The Flintstones cartoon takes place in a nostalgic Stone Age setting where we see the lives of the Flintstone family and their close friends and...
Pebbles, from the beloved Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera. The Flintstones cartoon takes place in a romanticized Stone Age setting, showcasing the lives of the Flintstone family and their best friends and neighbors, the Rubbles. Pebbles...
Pebbles, from the beloved Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera. The Flintstones cartoon takes place in a stylized Stone Age setting, showcasing the lives of the Flintstone family and their closest friends and neighbors, the Rubbles. Pebbles...
Pebbles Flintstone, from the Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera. This is a onepiece version of Pebbles Flintstone based on my multi-part Pebbles Flintstone model that I've previously posted. I teamed up with maker/designer rebeltaz (Derek)...
Pebbles Flintstone, from the Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera. This is a onepiece version of Pebbles Flintstone based on my multi-part Pebbles Flintstone model that I've previously posted. I teamed up with maker/designer rebeltaz (Derek)...
Pebbles Flintstone, from the Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera.This is a onepiece version of Pebbles Flintstone based on my multi-part Pebbles Flintstone model that I've previously posted.I teamed up with maker/designer rebeltaz (Derek) for...
Pebbles Flintstone, from the Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera. This is a onepiece version of Pebbles Flintstone based on my multi-part Pebbles Flintstone model that I've previously posted. I teamed up with maker/designer rebeltaz (Derek)...
Pebbles Flintstone, from the Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera.This is a onepiece version of Pebbles Flintstone based on my multi-part Pebbles Flintstone model that I've previously posted.I teamed up with maker/designer rebeltaz (Derek) for...
A friend of mine has red hair and wanted to go as pebbles flintstone for halloween, this presented a golden opportunity for me, since i have a 3d printer. ...Simpy fix it into your hair and together with green pants and a blue shirt, you have...
Hello everyone, here is my fanart interpretation of Fred Flintstone. I put the STL file upside down, so he gets printable without support. ... If you like my work you can also support me on my Patreon page.
Wilma, from the classic cartoon show The Flintstones by Hanna-Barbera. The Flintstones cartoon series takes place in a charming Stone Age setting, showcasing the lives of the Flintstone family and their closest friends and neighbors, the Rubbles.
The Flinstone Coupe is a classic car model from the popular Flintstones cartoon series, featuring a prehistoric design that captures the imagination of both children and adults alike. ...This unique vehicle showcases the creativity of its designers,...
Three-dimensional modeling created using Maya and MudBox software for the character Fred Flintstone.
Dino, my second model from the show, is also modeled after Fred Flintstone. You can see him as Thingiverse model 1361894. I created Dino using Blender and then sliced him with Simplify3D before printing him in ABS on a FlashForge Creator X. To...
Ready to print Fred Flintstone, with perfect topology, and high resolution of polygon. ...Comes in the following formats: .Stl .Obj Have fun :)
Ready to print Fred Flintstone, with perfect topology, and high resolution of polygon. ...Comes in the following formats: .Stl .Obj Have fun :)
... printing experience! As a bonus, I've included two versions of the model: one that can be printed in pieces, allowing for complete freedom from supports, and another single piece model that will require numerous supports to print successfully.
Wilma, from the Flintstones cartoon show by Hanna-Barbera. The Flintstones cartoon takes place in a romanticized Stone Age setting, depicting the lives of the Flintstone family and their best friends and neighbors the Rubbles. Wilma was modeled in...
This is a rock-solid Flintstones mobile crafted with precision in Tinkercad. No tools or assembly are needed to bring this prehistoric vehicle to life. ... The wheels on this model can be moved into action at will.
... own one yet, but with the dimensions provided, I can modify the print accordingly. I'm still working on making all parts interchangeable and attachable to each other seamlessly. To maximize Chip-E's foot potential, pedal away like a true Flintstone!
Bedrock's residents rely heavily on their trusty Flintstones' cars to get them where they need to go, and these vehicles are more than just a mode of transportation - they're an iconic symbol of the Stone Age town's unique culture.
Dino is my second model from the cartoon series, see Fred as well (Thingiverse model 1361894). Dino was modeled in Blender, sliced using Simplify3D and printed in ABS on a FlashForge Creator X. I also used a GeckoTek plate to ensure perfect adhesion...
- Be sure to clean off any excess brim from the first layer if you use a "squish factor" for adhesion to the bed. -Glue armr and arml to the body - Insert and glue the spots as per the diagram -Hook the tag through the collar -Insert and glue the...
The Flintstones are one of my favorite childhood cartoons. Dino was modeled in Blender, sliced using Simplify3D and printed in ABS on a FlashForge Creator X. If you have the proper filament colors, no painting is required. The model is 24cm tall....
Cookie cutter Flintstones kids & Dino cookie cutter Flintstones kids & Dino
Fred Flintstone is one of my favorite childhood cartoon characters. Fred was modeled using Blender, sliced by Simplify3D, and printed in ABS on a FlashForge Creator X. I also used a GeckoTek plate to ensure perfect adhesion of the parts to the bed.
Fred Flintstone is one of my all-time favorite childhood cartoon characters.\r\nHe was modeled using Blender, sliced with Simplify3D, and printed in ABS on a FlashForge Creator X. I also used a GeckoTek plate to ensure perfect adhesion of the parts...