klicky 3d models

80 3d models found related to klicky.
klicky side mount
klicky side mount

klicky side mount


BLV MGN Cube Using Klicky!

Klicky_probe Eva v2
Klicky_probe Eva v2

Klicky-probe holder for Eva 2

EVA3 Klicky Probe Mount
EVA3 Klicky Probe Mount

This is an adaption of the EVA2 Klicky Probe Mount by Jlas1 (https://github.com/jlas1/Klicky-Probe) for the EVA3.Print with screw side facing upwards and bed plate support (might also work without support, though not tested). Update 2022-05-25:...

Tronxy X5SA Klicky Mount
Tronxy X5SA Klicky Mount

X5SA Klicky Documentation All things Klicky- Look here for documentations, configuration files, macros and the original Klicky STLs: https://github.com/jlas1/Klicky-Probe Probe_doc_v2 and Klicky_Probe_v2 are original files by Jlas1 Notes: X5SA Dock:...


VORON 2.4 Probe Mount with ADXL for PCB KlickyUse the free space above the PCB Klicky Probe for an ADXL!This mount is a new variant of:https://github.com/tanaes/whopping_Voron_mods/tree/main/pcb_klickyADXL345:https://amzn.eu/d/dJvU8ZhThe ADXL345 is...

Klicky Probe CAP
Klicky Probe CAP

You’ll need the same stuff as for a normal long klicky probe.You also need to bend the other pins back and remove the pin in the middle.This probe can compensate for any x twist a bit more than the normal one. But if you have this issue you have to...

Ender 7, klicky probe
Ender 7, klicky probe

Ender 7 Klicky Z probeYou will need to be running klipper (see the config files, your park position will be around 5mm further on the X than mine - I broke my X endstop and replaced it with a larger one, so I lose about 5mm on X)Uses 5mm by 1.5mm...

Ender 3 Klicky Probe
Ender 3 Klicky Probe

This is a klicky probe for the Ender 3 V2. I was heavily inspired by the KlackEnder by KevinAkaSam (https://github.com/kevinakasam/KlackEnder-Probe). My printer has linear rails which prevented the KlackEnder from working with my setup. Also,...

Voron CW2 Carrier with Klicky
Voron CW2 Carrier with Klicky

Voron CW2 Carrier with Klicky, endstop Holder, a cover for the Screws and more air that can go thru

Klicky Mount for Open Face Core XY
Klicky Mount for Open Face Core XY

... of the extrusion for easy adjustment. ...Once I upgraded to the open face design of the Ratrig Enclosure v2 I found my klicky probe mount no longer worked. Compatible with the Klicky files and instructions for mounting the dock for the probe itself.

BLV MGN Cube Klicky Probe Biqu H2
BLV MGN Cube Klicky Probe Biqu H2

Files and more info about the files can found at : https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/151116-klicky-probe-for-blv-mgn-cube-biqu-h2

Klicky: Long Arm of the MAW edition
Klicky: Long Arm of the MAW edition

... Superlight EVA2.4 fork with the gaping maw back plates. ... Based on 3DP and Me's work.  Works with my other mods and Jupa's front belt tensioners to let me use klicky with all the other mods I want together without horrible clashes and dysfunction.

Klicky endstop for Flying Bear Ghost 6
Klicky endstop for Flying Bear Ghost 6

It gives Flying Bear Ghost 6 standard (stock) printer head klicky-probe support.I took the back plate from the excellent job from Ryoko (originally for 3d-touch) and modified it deeply to achieve the results needed.This design includes four...

Klicky Probe mount for the Hypercube Evolution
Klicky Probe mount for the Hypercube Evolution

... ...This is a Step file only upload. Please note the Hot End Probe Mount is specific to my Mini Boothy Hot End so may need some revision to suit a stock HEVO hot end or derivative.Video here: (692) Klicky Probe on my Hypercube Evolution - YouTube 

Dragon Burner PCB Klicky for KP3S
Dragon Burner PCB Klicky for KP3S

One might need some adjustments.OnShape:- klicky: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/48e67d7ee058fdc055d5e6c5- carriage: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/bd98455912488c341066ab60From my klipper config:x_offset: -34 # negative = left of the...

VZ Hextrudort HD12 carrige with klicky
VZ Hextrudort HD12 carrige with klicky

HD12 carrige to suit vz-hextrudort and pcb klicky probe. i have a water cooled heatsink the same length as v6 and chc volcano heater block but it will be easy to make the part cooling tubes suit whichever hotend you are using. Hence why i have...

Archetype Mjolnir - Klicky-00 compatible dock
Archetype Mjolnir - Klicky-00 compatible dock

This remix was made to clear the bed of a Trident 300, so archetype Mjolnir https://github.com/Armchair-Heavy-Industries/Archetype can dock with a Klicky-00 from dwtas at https://github.com/DW-Tas/Klicky-00/tree/main ( quite the long probe)the other...

Klicky Probe V2
Klicky Probe V2

It's a probe for probey people.

Satisfying Klicky Fidget
Satisfying Klicky Fidget

A simple, but absolutely addictive little fidget toy, you won't be able to put down. It produces many satisfying clicking noises and goes together in a minute. You can use a variety of buttons for this. ...:)

servo klicky for switchwire
servo klicky for switchwire


Klicky Probe for BLV Mgn Cube Biqu H2
Klicky Probe for BLV Mgn Cube Biqu H2

Adding klicky to my BLV mgn cube setup.I used 1.5 x 6 mm magnets for my klicky probe.16T pulley for Voron Z-Endstop - customized height to fit my heatbed heightHDMI break out :...

Enclosure 2.0 Klicky Dock for Ratrig V-Core 3
Enclosure 2.0 Klicky Dock for Ratrig V-Core 3

This is just the Y Bumper and Original Klicky mount put together quickly, there are a few edges that look rough in the model, the print came out fine. ...STL will probably need scaled up 2540%

Klicky Probe Mount for Manta Toolhead, ENDER 5 Version
Klicky Probe Mount for Manta Toolhead, ENDER 5 Version

#Find other printed parts and Klipper macros on the Klicky Github Page: https://github.com/jlas1/Klicky-Probe Use "Dock_mount_Ender5.stl" found at Klicky-Probe/Printers/ZeroG/Mercury_One/Voron_Toolhead_STL/ #Homing Demonstration Video:...

Klicky and UnKlicky for VCore3 (V3 and V3.1)
Klicky and UnKlicky for VCore3 (V3 and V3.1)

This is the release of Klicky for the VCore3.These parts have all been tested and are working on a few early adopters' machines.Please go to the release blog post or the klicky github for a full installation guide for the Klicky probe.BOM2 x M3*20mm...

klicky mount for  v-core 3.1 with enclosure 2.0
klicky mount for v-core 3.1 with enclosure 2.0

A remix of the klicky mount for the v-core frame with enclosure 2.0 (open front)

BLV Metal KIT mellow mosquito volcano Sherpa extruder rht36 klicky BLtouch
BLV Metal KIT mellow mosquito volcano Sherpa extruder rht36 klicky BLtouch

这是一款适配 BLV官方金属件,夏尔巴挤出机,mellow 蚊子火山挤出头,可选支持klicky或BLtouch探针,集线板使用mellow RHT36板子(4线搞定热室所有连接),风扇使用2510+5015 设计主要做轻便,高速使用,经过实测使用无问题。 感谢oldfar-t的klicky设计 灵感来自:https://github.com/oldfar-t/Side-Swipe-Magnetic-Probe This is a suitable BLV Metal KIT, Sherpa...

Carriage for Voron 2.4 R1 Dual Rail Klicky X Endstop Prototyp
Carriage for Voron 2.4 R1 Dual Rail Klicky X Endstop Prototyp

Some of the Community want my Carriage for the Voron 2.4 R1 with Dual Rails.Attention: Its for the MGN9 DUAL Rails for Klicky with X Endstop.You can see the Carriage here:  This is a early Prototype. I struggled with the modifications because ive got...

Contribution to the various VzBot fanduct systems in combination with the Klicky Probedi Jlas1 and Quickdraw systems of Annex
Contribution to the various VzBot fanduct systems in combination with the Klicky Probedi Jlas1 and Quickdraw systems of Annex

Good work from “NANODESIGNER”.link ai sorgenti:Klicky Probe: https://github.com/jlas1/Klicky-ProbeQuickdraw Probe: https://github.com/Annex-Engineering/Quickdraw_ProbeVzBot 330: https://github.com/VzBoT3D/VzBoT-Vz330Vzbot 235:...