greek votive relief with athena 3d models

2890133 3d models found related to greek votive relief with athena.
Votive relief dedicated to the goddess Athena
Votive relief dedicated to the goddess Athena

This is a fragment of an ancient marble votive relief dedicated to the goddess Athena.  The fragment depicts a small winged figure of Nike flies down to crown the charioteer of a four-horse team, probably a victor in the Panathenaic Games at Athens.

Slab with votive relief
Slab with votive relief

This is a slab with a votive relief to Castor and Pollux (the Gemini twins, divine sons of Zeus). ...It was set up by Argenidas, perhaps for the happy conclusion of a voyage. 

Slab with votive relief
Slab with votive relief

This is a slab with a votive relief to Asklepios and Igea, shown standing and turned towards the right. ...The goddess rests her right hand on a column; the god rests on a cane.

Slab with votive relief
Slab with votive relief

This is a slab with a votive relif showing on the left a bearded, seated divinity; to the right is an altar, next to which a servant holds a pig destined to be sacrificed.

Slab with a votive relief
Slab with a votive relief

This is a slab with a votive relief on both faces linked to the foundation of the Athenian sanctuary of Asklepios by Telemachos of Acharnai, who is shown on one of the sides with a beard and a cloak. 

Votive relief with two goddesses
Votive relief with two goddesses

This relief represents two women with long, belted chitons and small cloaks. The heads of the strictly frontally depicted figures are covered with a veil. They held no longer recognisable objects in their right hands raised to the breast. ...The relief...

Votive Relief with Two Goddesses
Votive Relief with Two Goddesses

Miletus (Turkey), sanctuary of Artemis KithoneFrom the division of finds 1906; marble, around 570 BC In the deepened panel, the relief represents two women with long, belted chitons and small cloaks. The heads of the strictly frontally depicted...

Votive Relief with Female Figure
Votive Relief with Female Figure

Miletus (Turkey); from the division of finds of the Miletus excavation; marble, around 575 BC The relief represents a woman with a relatively large head in a box-like frame. She wears a long chiton and a small jacket-like cloak. Her hair is covered...

Votive relief
Votive relief

This votive relief depicts Athena, Zeus, Hera and two bearded men, either gods or local heroes. ... It is probably associated with the founding of Thessaloniki: the figures were either the patrons of the new city, or local gods, or gods of the small...

Votive relief
Votive relief

This is a votive relief to Herakles (or Hercules in Roman mythology), the Greek hero and half god, son of Zeus. ...It shows the hero on the right, reaching out to a cow brought in by two other characters.

votive relief
votive relief

votive relief, reign of Naram-Sin (2255-2219 BCE), or more recent. Terracotta, traces of polychromy. Musée du Cinquantenaire (Brussels, Belgium). Made with CapturingReality. For more updates, please consider to follow me on Twitter at...

Votive relief
Votive relief

This is a votive relief depicting the god Mithra in the act of killing a bull with a knife; below is a dog, as well as a scorpion and a serpent who attempt to devour the bull's genitals.

Part of a slab with votive relief
Part of a slab with votive relief

This is part of a slab with a votive relief showing a group of four offerers (two adults and two youths) worshipping a divinity that must have been further to the left.

Votive Relief
Votive Relief

This votive relief of Pentelic marble was found in Athens, near the Theseion. It reprresents Hercules carrying on his shoulders the Erymanthian boat. ... The relief originates from the end of the 6th century BC

Votive relief
Votive relief

At the left is depicted a family of worshipers with their maidservant, who carries a basket covered with a cloth on her head The votive inscription on the epistyle mentions: Panis Aigirios to Herakles. ...The relief probably comes from the sanctuary of...

Votive relief
Votive relief

At this time, the cult of Asklepios was very widespread: temples south of the Acropolis in Athens - particularly at Epidauros and Cos - were built on a truly monumental scale, and hung with large numbers of offerings (reliefs such as this and, often,...

Votive Relief
Votive Relief

This votive relief, carved from Pentelic marble, was found in Mantineia, Arcadia. It represents a woman holding intestines in her left hand. The trunk of a palm-tree is shown at the bottom left. The relief probably depicts Diotima, the famous...

Votive relief
Votive relief

This votive relief was found at Pharsala, Thessaly. It depicts Apollo and Artemis wearing a chiton and a fawnskin, accompanied by a deer and their mother, Leto. The inscription gives the name of the dedicator: Gorgonilla. ...It was made in a Thessalian...

Votive relief
Votive relief

Votive relief made of Pentelic marble and found at Eleusis, Attica. Herakles is depicted drunk, lying beneath a tree on a rock on which he has spread his lion's pelt. He holds a skyphos in his left hand and snaps the fingers of his raised right hand,...

Votive relief
Votive relief

A votive relief dedicated to the god Hades who is climbing into a chariot. It was dedicated to Hades by the priest Hadaios. Derveni region. This object is part of "Scan The World". Scan the World is a non-profit initiative introduced by...

Votive relief
Votive relief

Votive relief made of marble and found near the Enneakrounos fountain, Athens. From the sanctuary of the hero-physician Amynos. According to the inscription above the representation, the relief was dedicated by Lysimachides, son of Lysimachos, from...

Votive relief
Votive relief

Votive relief made of marble found in the cave of the Nymphs on Mount Penteli, Attica. The relief has the form of a naiskos set on a cylindrical base. On the baseline on which the figures stand is carved an inscription stating that the relief was...

Votive relief
Votive relief

This relief was found on the west slope of the Athenian Acropolis. The relief belongs to the "funerary banquet" type. The god or hero reclines on a couch, at the foot of which sits his companion. In front of them is a round table with food. ...A slave...

Votive relief
Votive relief

Among several divinities, the dedicant presents a child., Xeniades, to Kephisos, who is shown in the center of the relief. On the left, Apollo sits on the Delphic tripod, with his feet resting on the omphalos. An eagle stands nearby. ...On the far...

Votive relief
Votive relief

... climbs. There is a wine-pourer at the right edge, and at the left a family of worshippers approaches, with slaves leading sacrificial animals to the altar, and a maidservant with a hamper. ...a horse protome is depicted in a border at the top left.

Votive relief
Votive relief

... holds a theatrical mask in his left hand. Two actors are shown on the left; one holds a tympanon, the other a mask and a tympanon. The relief was dedicated by actors to the god Dionysos after a theatrical performance, possibly Euripides' Bacchae.

Votive relief
Votive relief

... on a couch on the right, holding a rhyton and a bowl. His companion sits at the foot of the couch. S slave on the right edge draws wine from a krater. On the left, a family of worshippers approaches with their slave, who leads a sacrificial ram.

Votive relief
Votive relief

... can be seen the himation of a second worshipper. The building links the relief with the chtonic cult of Herakles as Alexikakos. ...There was an important sanctuary of Herakles Alexikakos in the Athenian deme of Melite (near modern Thiseion Sqaure).

Votive relief
Votive relief

... A hero or god is depicted reclining with a polos on his head, holding a rhyton and a bowl. The woman next to him is grinding incense in the incense-burner standing on the table with the food. ...At the left, a wine-pourer draws wine from a krater.

Votive relief
Votive relief

... relief was found in the sanctuary of Aphrodite at Daphni, Attica. ... Aphrodite is depicted at the centre, with a winged Eros standing on her left palm. She is flanked by Demeter and Kore. ...A suppliant in front of an altar is depicted on the left.