dust 1947 operation icarus 3d models

105856 3d models found related to dust 1947 operation icarus.
Sd.Kfz. 222 for Dust Warfare 1947
Sd.Kfz. 222 for Dust Warfare 1947

Dust Warfare stats can be found at http://dustwarfarearmybuilder.atwebpages.com. This is a kitbash of much more talented people's hard work, without which anything like this would be far beyond my abilities. ...My sincere appreciation to the original...


User Defined Materials Settings: Icarus Print Configuration Raft Settings: Does not Apply Customizable Material Support


... feathers. Icarus was warned repeatedly by his father about the importance of flying carefully between low-flying clouds where temperatures drop sharply. ... Despite these instructions, Icarus was impatient to test the limits of flight beyond them.


... torpedo tubes. To witness Icarus in action, register now through one of these links: CIS server, NA server, EU server, SEA server. You'll receive a week's premium account and the battleship Dreadnought. ... This offer expires on July 1st, 2022.


... Icarus disregards his father's warnings, flying recklessly close to the sun where the wax in his wings melts, causing him to plummet into the sea. ...This poignant tale of failure due to hubris bears striking similarities with the story of Phaëthon.


... feathers and wax that would allow them to take flight. Unfortunately, Icarus disregarded his father's warning and flew too close to the Sun, causing the wax holding the feathers to melt and ultimately plummeting him to a watery grave in the sea.


I needed a model of Icarus for a literature class I'm teaching. I remixed the wings with a model of a young boy, and added the harness and larger ball joints. The wings printed great following the original instructions, with the wing tilted so that...

Dust 1947. Totenmeister
Dust 1947. Totenmeister

To date, Allied intelligence has only seen stuttering film clips of the creature known as Totenmeisterin. Many who have viewed this footage wound up being committed to an asylum. Totenmeisterin is thought to be female, but none has ever seen her...

DUST 1947. Nadir
DUST 1947. Nadir

Nadir is one of the cult heroes. In two versions - on foot and on a flying carpet. Included: Nadir - 1 files. Bases - 2 files. Carpet - 1 files. Pin (transparent resin or plastic is recommended) - 1 file. License is personnal only. Models cannot be...

DUST 1947. Jacob
DUST 1947. Jacob

And one more combat fire of the Axis. This time, the fire lover is Jacob. Included: Base - 1 files. Jacob - 1 files. License is personnal only. Models cannot be sold. Allowed to print for sale. ... I will be glad to see photos of printed and painted...

Dust 1947. Wilfried
Dust 1947. Wilfried

The “war gorillas” form very effective combat units. They are equipped with steel close combat weapons, and use their inhuman strength against the enemies of the Axis. Sometimes, they “accidentally” attack the wrong targets. The Kampfaffen are quite...

Rocket launcher for KV-47 walkers from Dust 1947 game
Rocket launcher for KV-47 walkers from Dust 1947 game

This is a supplemental piece specifically tailored for the KV-47 model derived from the popular Dust 1947 game. ...It's engineered to be seamlessly integrated atop the upper tank section, situated at the rear of the model.

KV-2 & KV-2T Heavy Tank for Dust 1947
KV-2 & KV-2T Heavy Tank for Dust 1947

... abilities. My sincere appreciation to the original authors listed here: Base: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2011570 Tesla Gun: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/t-35-dust-1947-conversion-parts MG's: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3532187

Dust 1947 / 1948 - 28mm Ammo Crate, Blank and Japanese Themed
Dust 1947 / 1948 - 28mm Ammo Crate, Blank and Japanese Themed

Some terrain, modelled off a googled Japanese metal crate and modified to fit the 23x23x50mm Dust 1947 terrain crate scale. . Obviously you could scale this to whatever size you need and the top has the ability to rest on the hinge at whatever angle...

All Churchill variants for Dust 1947 and Warfare
All Churchill variants for Dust 1947 and Warfare

=Now includes original FDM version and new HD version for resin only.= With this download you can create from Dust 1947: -The Euphrates Crocodile: Unique Mythos Churchill -The Fire Scarab: Unique Mercenary Churchill And from Dust Warfare: -Mk VII...

AS.42 Sahariana and AS.47 Wüstenlicht for Dust 1947
AS.42 Sahariana and AS.47 Wüstenlicht for Dust 1947

Though the AS.42 was announced for Dust 1947, no official stats or weapons options were given. This is a kitbash of much more talented people's hard work, without which anything like this would be far beyond my abilities. ...My sincere appreciation to...

BA-10M/K/T and "Purifier" for Dust Warfare 1947
BA-10M/K/T and "Purifier" for Dust Warfare 1947

... Base: Can't seem to find it, but maybe greebled bergman model? Tesla Gun: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/t-35-dust-1947-conversion-parts 23mm Maxim Gun: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/cbt-28mm-poseable-gene-warrior-cross-universe-weapons

SU-152 & KV-14T "Nosorog" for Dust 1947
SU-152 & KV-14T "Nosorog" for Dust 1947

... which anything like this would be far beyond my abilities. My sincere appreciation to the original authors listed here: Base: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2011570 Tesla Gun: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/t-35-dust-1947-conversion-parts

IS-2 and IS-2T "Khishchnik" for Dust 1947
IS-2 and IS-2T "Khishchnik" for Dust 1947

My sincere appreciation to the original authors listed here: Base mixed from: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2011570 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4962982 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2485741 Tesla Gun:...

Sd.Kfz. 2 Kettenkrad for Dust Warfare 1947
Sd.Kfz. 2 Kettenkrad for Dust Warfare 1947

51 Trailer here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/sd-ah-51-axis-ammo-trailer-for-dust-warfare-1947 This is a kitbash of much more talented people's hard work, without which anything like this would be far beyond my abilities. ...My sincere...

T-70 & T-80 for Dust Warfare 1947
T-70 & T-80 for Dust Warfare 1947

My sincere appreciation to the original authors listed here: Base: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2726815 Tesla: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/t-35-dust-1947-conversion-parts RS-47 Rocket Pod:...

BT-7M/O/T for Dust Warfare 1947
BT-7M/O/T for Dust Warfare 1947

My sincere appreciation to the original authors listed here: Base: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2746911 Tracks: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4546986 Tesla: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/t-35-dust-1947-conversion-parts Flamethrower:...

T-28E/M/T for Dust Tactics/Warfare 1947
T-28E/M/T for Dust Tactics/Warfare 1947

My sincere appreciation to the original authors listed here: T-28E Base: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1807534 Hull v2: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3553160 Tracks from tigerace1945 Autogun:...

T-35 & T-35FS for Dust Warfare 1947
T-35 & T-35FS for Dust Warfare 1947

My sincere appreciation to the original authors listed here: Base mixed from: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1807534 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3064387 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1805632 152mm Gun:...

Char B1 Bis, Ter, & Quater for Dust Warfare 1947
Char B1 Bis, Ter, & Quater for Dust Warfare 1947

Though the chassis is rather outdated by 1947, the Allies need every vehicle they can get to fight the war for democracy. With a strong supply of modern weapons from the combined allied factories, the old B1 Bis's have been updated to B1 Ter and...

CV-35 & CV-47 Tankette for Dust Warfare 1947
CV-35 & CV-47 Tankette for Dust Warfare 1947

Whilst the CV-35 serves well against light infantry, there was no delusion of it's capabilities against heavy weapons when being updated to the battlefield of 1947. With minimal armor incapable of surviving even a single burst of .50 cal fire, the...

AB-43/Lanciaflamme/AB-47 for Dust 1947
AB-43/Lanciaflamme/AB-47 for Dust 1947

In addition to historic AB 44 and the official "Lanciaflamme" from Dust Studios, a Laser equipped version exists in Dust Warfare. Used primarily by the Italians, though also seen in large numbers by NDAK forces, the Autoblinda series of armored car...

DUST 1947 / 1948 - 1x1 Tile Modular Turret Bunker & Sniper Tower
DUST 1947 / 1948 - 1x1 Tile Modular Turret Bunker & Sniper Tower

... Look no further: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/dust-1948-allied-walker-turret-kit . . ...Big thanks to those who download, knowing you guys are going to enjoy this as much as I do for my custom builds gives me the drive to make more stuff.

Allied Infantry Weapon Pack for Dust Warfare 1947
Allied Infantry Weapon Pack for Dust Warfare 1947

All weapons are scaled for Dust, and stats can be found at http://dustwarfarearmybuilder.atwebpages.com. This is a kitbash of much more talented people's hard work, without which anything like this would be far beyond my abilities. ...My sincere...

Panhard 178, 178P, & P204(L) for Dust 1947
Panhard 178, 178P, & P204(L) for Dust 1947

Weapons are swappable with simple pin/holes, and Dust Warfare stats can be found at http://dustwarfarearmybuilder.atwebpages.com. This is a kitbash of much more talented people's hard work, without which anything like this would be far beyond my...