digimon biyomon
The figure has the details shown in its 3D preview.
Bandi owns the model.
digimon frigimon
digimon greymon
digimon pukamon
digimon goldnumemon
DIGIMON Shoutmon
digimon goblimon
DIGIMON ShellNumemon
digimon gabumon
Digimon Lopmon
Digimon Leomon
Digimon Lavobomon
Digimon Kuwagamon
Digimon Jazadomon
Digimon Hawkmon
Digimon Gumdramon
beelzemon digimon
digimon bakemon
digimon betamon
DIGIMON Centarumon
Digimon Mamemon
digimon birdramon
digimon falcomon
digimon gaomon
digimon garurumon